Smart People Take More Drugs

​I wish I could take credit for this piece, but, alas, I can not. However, I was educated by it & think you may be, as well.  

I’ve heard alkie/druggies described in many ways, and smart isn’t usually one of them. There’s a reason why AA has the slogans. For example, “Think think think.” – Sponsor says “That doesn’t apply to you.”

11 responses to “Smart People Take More Drugs

  1. I think, looking at the 80’s goth movement, which attracted certain mindsets that tripped toward melancholia that there is a string link between genius and insanity. I know a lot of very intelligent people that were in that community and now, in the wider community that those who think freely are susceptible to seeing things not through jaded lenses but as they are. Often I’ve seen them overdo alcohol and sometimes drugs. I often wonder if it’s to stop the thinking initially and then becomes the crutch that props them up thereafter.

    It’s quite an oxymoron really, because it’s not the smart thing to be doing at all. However, I can empathise with how it takes control. The beasts within don’t really give a hoot who gets addicted though at the end of the day.


    • WORD. I’m reminded of an episode of House where the genius husband was chugging couch medicine so he could stay happy with his, um, slow wife.
      Also, the movie Amadeus, while a long movie, hints that perhaps Mozart was in that same boat, of dumbing down in order to please the masses.

      Liked by 1 person

      • It helps remembering that and saying “I’m merely just a suppressed super genius” every now and then. The list of “mad” creatives is long…Poe, Tesla, Michelangelo, Pythagorus, Byron…..mad, or eccentric might be harsh in today’s understanding that spectrums of MH exists rather than black or white insane or sane. I often wonder if if they had been born in our time, whether society and teaching would have allowed them to mature into what they were then…part of me thinks not 🤔


        • Agreed. My son is more than little bit socially awkward and highly intelligent. That puts him on the autism spectrum. Whatever.
          He is a sensitive, loving and funny as heck young man. I tell him that the label is for insurance to pay for his counseling, and I tell him the truth about himself.
          Wonder how many of the folks you mentioned would be considered autistic?
          We live in a sad world.

          Liked by 1 person

          • I think, even in this day and age, there is still a stigma with MH issues. I’m also an advocate that depression is on the rise because of how the modern world piles pressure on people. Especially financially where costs going up are not on parity with salary increases. Everyone wants more all the time too and it piles unecessary pressure. A sort of induced MH issue as opposed to a genetic carry over. The truth is the best way for him to realise thungs and learn strategies to deal with it too….so kudos to you on that one 😊
            It’s my understanding that all of those people were on a spectrum somewhere, although in their era it was probably totally unknown and they were regarded as eccentric or odd. Anyone unable to tap into their particular genius strand was probably labelled retarded. Breaking that stereotype is hard even today in some places. Very sad that 🤕


            • When I was a teenager I went out with a boy who was a genius. I translated what he said for our friends. They weren’t dumb, he was just that smart…High I. Q. can absolutely be a handicap. But being different isn’t a bad thing, considering what “normal” looks like, today.
              God gives us what we NEED. I am blessed to be the Mom of my beautiful boys (the John Lennon song was a lullaby in our home). ☺
              It’s good hearing from you. 😀

              Liked by 1 person

              • Very true…it lets you see beyond the lies and see things from different persptives. It’s not a bad thing and right now the world needs a few brains in leadership positions!!
                It’s good to hear from you too 😊


  2. As an educated recovering alcoholic, I was warned that I could be too smart for my own good and it might get in my way of recovery. That “Think, Think, Think” has always been something of a dichotomy for me! Thanks for the post! -Z
